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4 Ways to Treat your Dry Scalp

No matter who you are or what your hair type is, having a dry, itchy scalp is sometimes unavoidable. And while it can sometimes just be caused by the change in season and doesn’t last long, there are other times where you may need a bit more to get your scalp back to normal.

So if dry scalp has got your stumped and you just can’t figure out how to get rid of it, here are four things that could help you along your way.

Use natural oils.

Natural oils have plenty of benefits for your hair and skin. From adding shine and moisture to curing dry and brittle hair, there are so many reasons why you should be using natural oils in your routine. And that also includes helping with dry, itchy scalp. Not sure which ones to use? Good oils to start with are olive, coconut, jojoba, or grapeseed. Any of the Aunt Jackie’s Natural Growth Oil Blends or the Soft All Over Multi-Purpose Oil are great starting points.

Try using apple cider vinegar.

Whether you’re dealing with dry, itchy scalp or product build-up, apple cider vinegar can help alleviate that. ACV has antifungal and antibacterial properties that will help with your dry scalp problems. You can use it as a treatment — diluted or not — and leave it in for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing out. If you’re a little reluctant to use it straight from the bottle, however, you can give our Power Wash Intense Moisture Clarifying Shampoo — which includes grapeseed oil, aloe, apple cider vinegar, and more.

Try a pre-poo.

If you haven’t added a pre-poo into your wash routine, we hope you consider it after reading this. One reason that dry scalp occurs is because the natural oils in your hair have been stripped. By using a pre-poo like our Balance — Grapeseed & Avocado oil though, you can restore the oils your hair needs and protect your hair follicles.

Use a clarifying shampoo.

Regardless of the products you use, sometimes your regular shampoo just can’t get your hair free from all of them. That’s why using a clarifying shampoo can help. Not only will it remove impurities, build-up and residue from regular product usage, it can also help with your dry scalp.

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